Boathouse Mouse Has an Announcement to Make
/Boathouse Mouse Book 2, Concept Sketch 1
Book 2 in the Adventures of Boathouse Mouse is planned to be released in a few months! Drum roll! May I have the envelope, please? And the title is …
Sorry, that's too corny of an introduction for me. There has to be a better way to make a book title announcement.
Maybe I should put the name inside a cake and cut it at a revealing party. I bet that would get a lot of people worked up. Especially at my grand-parental age. Now that I think of it, maybe that would be a good one for April first. Or, maybe not.
I'm not a big fan of doing things the same way everyone else does. It seems like there should be a fresh way for me to introduce my next book.
Um, excuse me. What's that? Speak up there, little fella. Ahh, yes. Of course!
My friend, Boathouse Mouse, would like to invite you to join him for a spot of tea, and naturally some scones, in his next adventure: The Cat and the River Thames.
Please stay tuned for further announcements.