A Glimpse Into the Life of RV Hodge
About the Author
To put it succinctly, RV is an outdoorsman, a family man, and an adventurer. He loves to travel and experience other cultures, and has adventured around the US pretty extensively, with a few visits to other countries. He and his wife are active in their local church and always seem to have a cat or two. If he has a superpower, it is his ability to function in public despite being an extreme introvert.
At the prime age of 12, while on a car ride with his aunt and cousins, RV told his cousins the story of RV versus the Six Million Dollar Man. The story was invented on the spot and RV, naturally, defeated the erstwhile hero in every contest of strength and endurance. The carload of cousins and his aunt were in stitches, and his love for storytelling was instantly ignited.
RV formally began his career as an author writing novels for his children as college graduation gifts.
Secret “Other” Life
When he is not writing, RV is a boatbuilder with Jarrett Bay Boatworks in Beaufort, North Carolina. Their specialty is custom luxury sport-fishing yachts. He also hosts Jarrett Bay’s Carolina Flare Insider video blogs. Those links are provided here for your curiosity and convenience.
Ultra Secret Life
With a name like RV, there are times when it is easier to operate under an assumed name. RV’s favored undercover names are Gandalf and Secret Agent. With out-of-control eyebrows, Gandalf is an easy, and self-explanatory, pseudonym to borrow.
He occasionally goes by Secret Agent as a spoof name because some people seem to think he is, or was, an undercover agent. That all began with some crazy rumors about being a double agent in the CIA infiltrating an agency behind the Iron Curtain. Sort of a James Bond in real life, only without all the cool goodies. That is, of course, absurd. Who would call themselves Secret Agent if they were in fact a secret agent? It would be a dead give-a-way, unless it was, in reverse-psychology, the perfect cover.