Christmas Specials, 2021
/It’s hard to believe that Christmas of 2021 is looming around the corner!
That said I have good news … times 3!
Boathouse Misses the Boat, Book 4 has just arrived!
SAVE 20%
Christmas bundle special for Kingdom of the Falcon Series. Save 20% on the bundle now through Dec. 23rd, 2021!
SAVE 20%
Christmas bundle special for Boathouse Mouse Series. Save 20% on the bundle now through Dec. 23rd, 2021!
Spoiler Alert! This includes Book 4, Boathouse Misses the Boat!
More Fun Than Traveling with Boathouse Mouse
What could possibly be more fun than traveling with Boathouse Mouse?
I'm sorry to answer a question with a question, but ... how about getting lost with Boathouse Mouse?
Okay, so I'm not actually sorry for that.
I just wanted to share a sneak preview of the cover of Boathouse Mouse Book 3!
Coming Soon!
Stay tuned!
Book 3 Coming Soon!
Riding First Class
/“I don't always let my books go into retail stores, but when I do, they go into classy ones!”
Haha! With a reader base in the neighborhood of thousands and not millions (so far), I can't really be picky about which stores my books go into. Up to this point, my marketing plan has consisted primarily of a website base and word of mouth. That's not exactly the fast track to fame and fortune. In fact, it may not even qualify as a plan. But that is all right with me, because today we have a breakthrough.
The Adventures of Boathouse Mouse - A New Adventure, A New Name is officially stocked in the Jarrett Bay Boathouse in downtown Beaufort, North Carolina! That is down on the beautiful waterfront, and if you have never been to Beaufort, put it next on your to-do list.
I've never traveled first class, but I'm delighted to say the Jarrett Bay Boathouse is a first-class place! And it gets even better. They are stocking Boathouse Mouse in the Jarrett Bay Store in the North Hills Shopping Center in Raleigh, North Carolina, as well!
So, be sure to stop in and visit the great folks that run those stores, and pick up your copy of A New Adventure, A New Name. There is some chance you may also find some other treasures in those places. And it may be possible to pre-order your copy of The Cat and the River Thames, the soon-to-be-released Book 2 in the Adventures of Boathouse Mouse.
Thank you Jarrett Bay Boathouse!
Special thanks to Tracy Merkley for the photo.
507 Front Street, Beaufort, NC 28516
Phone: (252) 728-6363
4209 Lassiter Mill Road, Suite 126, Raleigh, NC 27609
Phone: (919) 803-1990
Boathouse Mouse Has an Announcement to Make
/Boathouse Mouse Book 2, Concept Sketch 1
Book 2 in the Adventures of Boathouse Mouse is planned to be released in a few months! Drum roll! May I have the envelope, please? And the title is …
Sorry, that's too corny of an introduction for me. There has to be a better way to make a book title announcement.
Maybe I should put the name inside a cake and cut it at a revealing party. I bet that would get a lot of people worked up. Especially at my grand-parental age. Now that I think of it, maybe that would be a good one for April first. Or, maybe not.
I'm not a big fan of doing things the same way everyone else does. It seems like there should be a fresh way for me to introduce my next book.
Um, excuse me. What's that? Speak up there, little fella. Ahh, yes. Of course!
My friend, Boathouse Mouse, would like to invite you to join him for a spot of tea, and naturally some scones, in his next adventure: The Cat and the River Thames.
Please stay tuned for further announcements.