Weather Irony

It's been a day off that has been full of rain. Which translates to, I have spent the past ten hours writing. Actually, it's been ten hours of editing, but that doesn't sound nearly as romantic.

The book I am working on is titled Time Zone, which, as its name infers, is about time travel. The irony? It all began at a train crossing during a driving rain, when the cross bar failed to drop ... 
I'll share more about the book in the coming months.



#TimeZone #TheChanceToGoBackAndFixOneFatalMistake

Literary Birth Announcement

 Some decisions in life are downright difficult to make. Who to marry, what to study in college, and when to reveal the imminent birth of a new book, are a few of those tough decisions. But, armed with modern technology, I now have the ability to do a baby book reveal!

Yes, the ISBN has been issued, and we have Book's First Sonogram Picture! If you look closely at the picture, you can see it's going to be a Troglodyte! The due date is April 16th. 

Book Sonogram

Book Sonogram

This makes 8 ISBNs in my collection. For some reason that tickles me.

# GiantsOnTroglodyteMountain