And the Winner Is ...

The proof copy of Giants on Troglodyte Mountain has been inspected, analyzed, X-rayed, and read cover-to-cover. And it has passed!

Okay, it wasn't actually X-rayed, but it may as well have been. We even read the back cover.

What that all means is we will officially be in print on June 16th as we had planned. We expect to have Giants on Troglodyte Mountain in stock here at the Inkling Publications Store that day!



Literary Birth Announcement

 Some decisions in life are downright difficult to make. Who to marry, what to study in college, and when to reveal the imminent birth of a new book, are a few of those tough decisions. But, armed with modern technology, I now have the ability to do a baby book reveal!

Yes, the ISBN has been issued, and we have Book's First Sonogram Picture! If you look closely at the picture, you can see it's going to be a Troglodyte! The due date is April 16th. 

Book Sonogram

Book Sonogram

This makes 8 ISBNs in my collection. For some reason that tickles me.

# GiantsOnTroglodyteMountain