Boathouse Mouse Is Running a Little Late

Like a warm cup of coffee on a damp, cold morning … in the hands of a stranger!

I am exceedingly excited to announce that, A New Adventure, A New Name, Book 1 in The Adventures of Boathouse Mouse, looks amazing!
I am not so happy to share that we had a page spacing error that slipped by us in the digital format stage.

Unfortunately, it will be a few more days before Boathouse Mouse is available for purchase. We are so close. In fact, as you read this, the amended file is being uploaded and processed. Unless, of course, you are reading this later. If that was confusing you should check out my blog post about time portals. Welcome to Fantasy Island

We will get there. I kind of feel like a kid waking up with all the anticipation of Christmas Day only to discover it is actually Christmas Eve.
Stay tuned.

Happier Than a B Novel Writer Slinging Clichés Like Six-Shooters

Or, Why I Love a Good Cliché Now and Then.

As a general rule, clichés are taboo in novel writing. I don't have any experience in grant writing, but I suspect they are highly discouraged in that field as well. The reason behind not using clichés in novels is that a writer could get the reputation of lacking originality. The only reason I could imagine for not using them in grant proposals is that the writer would become an instant pariah in that field.

Overly using clichés may be a problem, but occasionally they can come in handy. You see, a cliché is simply an over-used metaphor. Whoever first said, “Avoid (fill in the blank) like the plague,” was a visionary. There was no ambiguity in that reference. No one ever wondered if the writer had a hidden meaning. It was pure genius. Now it's been repeated so much, if you were to write it into a book, every single reader would mentally shish-kabob you. And everyone knows, that's not nice.

When is a cliché a good thing? It may not actually be good, but it can sure be handy. Sometimes you just need an instant shortcut into the corporate understanding of all your readers. A cliché can fulfill that task. With the application of one conveniently placed cliché, a point can be made. Clarity is gained in the familiar.

So, you may be wondering why I don't use clichés in my books. I would tell you, but then I would have to …
And everyone followed that to its corny conclusion. It's amusing because we all see it coming. It's like the Keystone Cops. The humor is in their predictability.

I like humor. I like predictability sometimes. But I really, really like a twist. I like a twist that's so well made, it makes my brain do a four-wheel drift around a plot turn. (That's a racing metaphor, not a cliché yet.) And I don't care who you are, you can't write plot twists in comfortable clichés.

By now you are wondering what my main point is. I was actually just in a mood for clichés … and puns. Puns are the hillbilly cousin of clichés. I also slipped a little plot twist in there, which amused the daylights out of me. I hope it was entertaining for you as well.

In other news, I should have a copy of Boathouse Mouse: A New Adventure, A New Name very soon!
Please stay tuned.

That Awkward Pause

As if the word awkward was not awkward enough ...

After all the publicity and excitement earlier this week, Boathouse Mouse was supposed to be in print by now.
Shawna (of Back to The Drawing Board fame) and I should have had a proof copy each coming our way by now. And to soften the painful waiting period, I had intended to send the story for Boathouse Mouse book 2* to Shawna to help in that insufferable "printing and shipping" interim. I had it all mapped out.

But the proverbial second shoe has not yet dropped.

In fact, none of that has happened yet. We are on pause. Things don't always go as planned. We have encountered a technical difficulty with the printer. It's file size capacity stuff that is a bit boring in real life.

It feels like the organist is playing "Here Comes the Bride" for the tenth time, and everyone is shifting uncomfortably as they wait.

The good news is, we are about to upload! A new service has been signed up. We are verifying final details. And it could possibly happen today! Notice how I hedged that announcement.

My dilemma is: Do I pick up the first shoe and start the whole show over? Or do I proceed directly to the Ta-Da announcement when everything is confirmed?

Either way, Stay Tuned for the big event!

*If you thought I was going to spill the title of Book 2 ... haha!

My Bucket List

It may seem out of character that someone as weird as me has something as mainstream as a bucket list. Now it just occurred to me that possibly a bucket list may not be mainstream. I don't know how to compile that data. In a recent (like two minutes ago) random double blind poll of the residents in my house, we are a 50/50 split. I have a bucket list, my wife does not. Feel free to let me know if you have insight, research, or an opinion on that subject.

Of the more notable things on my list, there are a lot of places I would like to see and adventures I would like to undertake. I would love to cruise around the world and step foot onto each continent from a boat that I built. I would also like to build 100 more boats for missionaries. Obviously, at my age, I may run out of time before I run out of list.

While all that may seem normal enough, maybe my oddest dream is to collect ISBN numbers. Today I registered a fourth one to my collection. I don't actually have a target number, which is also peculiar for me.

What all that means in English is: Let The Adventures of Boathouse Mouse begin!
