Skalds 2019 - So It Begins
/Viking swords clashed against battle-scarred shields!
Arrows sliced through the air in search of their targets!
Axes were hurled with bone-jarring accuracy!
And a Fire Master spun his blazing poi with impunity!
Everywhere one turned, something out of the ordinary was taking place.
No, this was not the first day of seventh grade. It was the Festival of the Skalds!
What is that?
I’m glad you asked. Skalds were purported to be the scribes, historians, and storytellers of the preliterate era of the Scandinavian world. The event was styled similar to a Renaissance Fair, but probably a bit more primitive. And … it was a blast.
Despite all the aforementioned shenanigans, no one got injured.
It is entirely possible that everyone was extra cautious and followed all safety protocols for the festival. Or, it could be that while channeling the essence of the great Viking era, everyone leveled up a few notches and just sucked up the pain from their injuries. Then again, perhaps the notable lack of injury, or lack of reporting, is actually a credit to the Medic Tent that was prepared to attach leeches to any injury. (There were no takers, by the way.)
As always, Safety First!
If you were there, you undoubtedly have a lot of great memories. I hope to see you all there again next year. I am already designing the next Treasure Hunt., so sharpen your wits, because it will be leveled up several notches!
If you missed the festival, then you certainly do not know the basics of Dragon Hunting Safety, you might not know there is going to be a book titled The Last Dragon Hunter, and you definitely don’t know the true ingredients in Friar Bob’s sandwiches. Tisk, tisk. I feel sorry for you. But, fear not, for you are invited to join the festivities next year. However, you had best make your lodging arrangements now, because I have a sneaking suspicion it is going to be decidedly larger and more captivating!
Stay tuned!
The winners of the treasure hunt!
Dragon Hunter Safety Training!