The Paradox of Non-Fiction
/One may discover there is more truth in a fiction story than in some documentaries.
This seems to reflect negatively on "non-fiction" writers. But, perhaps it is the fiction writer's inability to leave reality behind that is the actual culprit. Or, maybe sometimes we simply expect too much from our fellow mortals.
Well, I'm sure glad that has been put to rest. Now we can move on to greater things with which to occupy or minds. No, wait. I'm sorry, but I do expect non-fiction to be as honest as it can be translated into words. Okay, now we can move on.
Humor: The Revealer of Secrets
/Humor is a complex thing. It is, at times, a form of confession, and other times a shield. I'm never sure when I begin to write something humorous if I'm about to bare my soul or attempt to cover my tracks.
/Writing fiction is a lot like letting the world see inside my mind. Fun and unnerving at the same time. I feel like it exposes my weaknesses, which are many, and leaves me vulnerable. I wonder, is that reaction normal?
Why I Write Volume II
/I write for the love of spinning a story, but please buy the books, I could surely use the money.