When the Internet is Smarter Than Me

I posted a blog last Sunday and, because the internet is considerably smarter than me, you probably missed it.

You see, I titled the blog boathousemouse.com, and the ingenious technology that makes all this stuff talk back and forth instantly said,"Ta-Da! Here you are at your destination!" But it slipped right past the blog.

So, let's try this again: 

I am reasonably certain that most of you have been losing sleep wondering when boathousemouse.com would become a live entity. Well, I'm happy to report that you can sleep easy now.

Yes, my friends, boathousemouse.com is now in action. Actually, it is currently just a link to the page in my website that has the first book. Just as an aside, that page will have Book 2 very soon.

But the LTPZCWD, or Long Term Planning and Zoning Commission for Web Development, for short, has a big vision for that link. It's a committee of one. Me.

My plan is to put up a map to track the travels of Boathouse Mouse. There will be some interactive trivia questions about places Boathouse visits. (Don't tell the kids, but they will accidentally be learning stuff.) There will be a recipe box so the readers can experience all the wonderful, and some less wonderful, foods Boathouse tastes as he travels the world over. And, there will be a scrapbook so the readers can submit photos of Boathouse Mouse in cool locations all around the world!

I have a few more ideas that will be integrated into that page, but, I don't currently know how to do the tech part of them yet. We will just have to be satisfied with one step at a time.

So, try the link. Let me know if there are any problems with connectivity. And get ready for Book 2.


I am reasonably certain that most of you have been losing sleep wondering when boathousemouse.com would become a live entity. Well, I'm happy to report that you can sleep easy now.

Yes, my friends, boathousemouse.com is now in action. Actually, it is currently just a link to the page in my website that has the first book. Just as an aside, that page will have Book 2 very soon.

But the LTPZCWD, or Long Term Planning and Zoning Commission for Web Development, for short, has a big vision for that link. It's a committee of one. Me.

My plan is to put up a map to track the travels of Boathouse Mouse. There will be some interactive trivia questions about places Boathouse visits. (Don't tell the kids, but they will accidentally be learning stuff.) There will be a recipe box so the readers can experience all the wonderful, and some less wonderful, foods Boathouse tastes as he travels the world over. And, there will be a scrapbook so the readers can submit photos of Boathouse Mouse in cool locations all around the world!

I have a few more ideas that will be integrated into that page, but, I don't currently know how to do the tech part of them yet. We will just have to be satisfied with one step at a time.

So, try the link. Let me know if there are any problems with connectivity. And get ready for Book 2.

The Certainty of Uncertainty

Death and Taxes are the two subjects that always come up when the topic of certainty is introduced. And while I know it is appointed for each of us to die, the taxes thing is somewhat subjective, although it seems to be a persistent bane.

But I suggest to you that there is another certainty in life, and that is the sense of uncertainty. As a writer, I experience this all the time. For a long time I was afraid to let anyone read my first book because I was uncertain of their reactions. That was a bit of a paradox since I wrote it as a college graduation gift for my oldest daughter. When graduation day came, I had that moment of truth: I had to accept that she would like it or not.

Now my writing uncertainty comes in a binder full of categories. How should I market this series? Should I be spending my time on this book or that? Is this turn of phrase a stroke of brilliance, or an act of blind idiocy? And the subject tabs in the uncertainty binder go on and on.

This may seem to be a random muse, but it is not. This is actually a motivational prod for all my artistic friends. If you have a story to write, write it! If you have a picture to paint, paint it! If you have a song to compose, compose it! (I guess that's what you do with songs.) Anyway, don't let uncertainty hold you back. It is okay if you are the only one who is satisfied with it. You will almost certainly be uncertain about it forever. Just keep moving forward.

Today is day 17 of the year 2016. If you have a creative goal for this year, and have not yet begun, jump! Go now! Put something on paper, or canvas, or fabric, or electrons, or something!

In advance, you're welcome!

Move Over Broadway

The big show is coming to town!

I don't know what gets anybody else all excited, but I've had just about the biggest thrill ever. A middle school class has requested permission to make Boathouse Mouse into a play!

How's that for cool?

The teacher asked the students for a favorite children's book to make into a class play. One of the students recommended A New Adventure, A New Name, and the teacher liked it, and … I am ecstatic.

Naturally, I'm holding out for more money.
I'm just kidding there. Of course I have given them permission to make the play. This is the coolest thing ever!

Here's a shout out to Ms. Lori and her 7th grade class. Thank You! This really made my day.

Quote of the Day

“Preparing for anything, even inescapable calamity, is by far easier on the mind than awaiting it.” - Excerpted from Wrath of the Falcon

It's a dreary winter weekend, such that we have, here in North Carolina. Today I have been working on Wrath of the Falcon, the fourth book in the Kingdom of the Falcon series. Sometimes my fingers surprise me. They type out words that are so profoundly true that I wonder if I should take up writing fiction.

Oh, wait, I am writing fiction. But the truths of life tend to sneak in. In fact, often as not, they are at the foundation of the story.

Well, this was a brief but fun diversion from writing. Now, I'd best get back to my featured presentation. After all, June is coming soon.