RV Hodge

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It's October!

It's October and you know what that means? Cooler weather? Pumpkin-desecrated coffee? Colorful leaves?
No, well, actually yes. But those are not the important things.

This is the time of year to begin ordering Christmas gifts from small businesses. Let's see if I can come up with an example. Oh, hey, how about books from Inkling Publications? Yes, we are a small business and the more time we have to collate and ship orders, the better.

To give our shipping system a metaphorical size rating: on a scale of Taking Over The World With Technology to Scratching Pictures On A Cave Wall, we're about like Michelangelo painting a chapel. We're a bit slow, but we want it to be exactly right when it arrives.

The truth is, we are working on an online automated ordering system, but it's taking longer to get there than we expected. Even when that is functional, it will still require a loving human touch to package the books, and of course I will be happy to sign them if you wish.

And, in case you were wondering, books make superb Christmas gifts.

So, click the links below to decide which books you wish to purchase. Then contact us and we will get things moving.

Thank you!