RV Hodge

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Finals Are a Good Thing

The making of an adventure story begins in the imagination. After that, all it takes is a lot of work! And when it comes to an illustrated book, it takes even more work. And more people too.

I am excited to report that Shawna is doing the final drafts of the illustrations now! Also, the final edit has been done on the story! And (I'm not done yet) the font, size, and page formatting is in the final stages! Everything is looking amazing!

Meanwhile, the world is asking: When can we get our grubby little hands on this book?

September is when we plan to have it available. That said, September is running us down like a cheetah chasing a gazelle! For now, we're sticking with the September answer. That does give us a thirty day window, right?

I will keep you posted. We will not compromise quality for a deadline. However, we are all very excited about the eminent release of Book 1 in The Adventures of Boathouse Mouse!

And, I'll let you in on a little secret that has me all giddy. Don't tell anyone, but I'm almost finished writing Book 2!